with Kelly


I work with a select number of women who know they can succeed on their own, but also know that asking for support at the right moment can catapult them to new levels.

Just as the undercurrent fuels the ocean, I support my clients in this capacity… fueling them to get "from A to B" faster.

I create change & transformation with my clients through punchy perspective shifts and elegant organization of multi faceted, complex situations.

If we choose to work together, expect equal parts exploration of self & practical application of these learnings. I tend to journey with each client for a season (or two) of life. 

Words from past clients

Thank you for making me realize that my job was never going to allow for me to start a family. A new job just came across my radar and I was able to easily say yes, rather than wonder if the “step back” career wise was right for me. Thank you for helping me feel like I deserve all my new found success!
— Emma
I just wanted to tell you that pushing me to dig deep and get outside of my comfort zone has been transformative. And you’ve done it in a way that hasn’t made me feel “uncomfortable”. Thank you for helping me find purpose, I find myself more focused and accepting as a result.
— Ellen
I’ve been really appreciating our time together and how it’s really helped me take a step back to breathe in the “small” stuff - to notice and appreciate it. For someone who is fairly intuitive, you take it to another level and it’s been so meaningful for me.
— Christine

Working Together

Working Together

If you're feeling the time is now, I start with an introductory 30 minute chat to determine if coaching with me is right for you. This conversation is meant to give us both clarity on if coaching is right for you right now, and also if I am the right coach for you (and equally if you are the right client for me!).

If we do decide to work together - I always suggest we start by committing to 3 months of twice monthly sessions costs $1,800 or £1,200 (dependent on your geography), which includes any resume writing or personal branding support as needed. After our initial 3 months together, we agree upon an ongoing frequency & cadence that is supportive for your goals.

If this feels like it is too intensive of a frequency for your goals, I offer a 3 session pack for $1,000 or £700 (again, dependent on your geography). These sessions must be used within 6 months of starting to work together.

Kelly’s journey to coaching

My journey to coaching began when I failed miserably in my first management role for Uber. Thankfully, not long after this bumpy start in my Leadership journey, I was poached for a new job at Snap where I got the opportunity to build a new 10 person team from scratch. This was my second chance at management, I wasn’t going to get it wrong again. 

What I didn’t realize at the time was that this was the beginning of my journey into understanding and mastering human behaviour. 

In starting as a Leader at Snap, I approached management like a science. By conducting experiments and carefully analyzing my results, my management improved through each experience. I successfully created a team where multiple people I hired told me “I changed the course of their career” - a fact I still cherish to this day.

In 2018 I came across my first coach. I couldn’t quite believe there was a profession where you could JUST do the “people side” of management. It became my dream: to have all the time in the world to get really damn good at positively influencing human behaviour. 

By 2019 I’d hired my own coach. They helped me make the identity shift required to transform into the human behaviour influencer (aka coach) I knew I could be. This was the 6th time I’d pivoted what “I did” for a living. I’d gone from having a career as a manufacturing engineer, to data analyst, to ops manager, to customer experience manager, then to product manager. 

The move from product manager to coach felt massive in comparison - it was not just changing my title, but a fundamental shift in how I operated. I went from left brain to right brain, IQ to EQ. I needed the support of someone who believed in me more than I believed in myself to make it happen.

As I built my business from scratch, I explored my values system. I discovered Human Design (the ultimate system for human behaviour); I got certified in reiki healing; I trained in mediumship; and I read a LOT of really good books (check out my Bookshelf for some of the best). I completed Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.

Come mid 2022, I’d reached 500+ hours of coaching (something only 10% of certified coaches do) and found myself with a thriving business alongside a slower, more creative and intentional life that I love. I transitioned from becoming a coach to being a coach - 7 years after I started.

Kelly’s approach

We start with the ‘shoulds’. What are all the things you think you should be doing, and why? It’s important to bring awareness to what beliefs we have been subconsciously holding - that way we can overcome them. My writing is a great way to get to know more about my philosophy on coaching & relationship to my clients.

More simply, my style is a combination of:

  1. Co-Active’s coaching principals

  2. My systems engineering education (and love for efficiency)

  3. My personal experiences in reinventing myself 6 times over in 10 years 

  4. My passion for Human Design & the belief that the universe is conspiring to help us 

  5. My love for visuals, metaphors & listening to our body (rather than our mind)

What you don’t need to worry about is knowing where to start. My superpower is taking the chaos that lives in your brain and any haphazardness in your life and providing a structure to help you organise it.

My promise to you? During our time together you will grow more confident and powerful. I will act as a constant breeze in your sails. This dynamic will empower you to stop drifting and take control of your future. You will begin to make decisions with ease and take action that you never thought you’d be capable of. You will see transformation in how you are as a person alongside what you do day to day.

Who Kelly coaches

My coaching is for those who feel stuck in one way or another.

You might be a working mother who feels stuck in a low energy cycle - and needs to learn how to prioritize her needs alongside her deep love for her children.

Or a career-oriented woman who feels stuck in her career - and wants to re-invent her professional self.

Or a wandering soul who feels stuck in an on and off low mood - and wishes to find that home she's after in herself.

Or a woman who feels stuck in her financial prowess - and wants to heal her relationship with money.

There is no single type of person or topic I work with. The commonality is that those who choose to work with me are ready to commit to living a more energized, balanced and intentional life. A life where you can find harmony & synergy amongst your top values and intentionally honor them day to day. 

The result? Enough time in your days for what lights you up.

In deciding to work with me, you are choosing to invest in your joy - in your energy.

Other Offerings

If a full 3 month journey isn’t what you are looking for, I have two other ways of supporting my people.


A one hour 1:1 private session to help you get from A to B faster. You come with a topic, I come with all the tools in my tool chest. Coaching, mentoring, life experience, vizualisations … whatever you need, I provide.


One week of access to yours truly via Whatsapp. After a 30 minute session to ground into your goals and communication style, all of my tools & skills are available to you in the same way as in The Quick Dip (just via text & voice messages). This is a great options for those who have a busy schedule, appreciate time to reflect, or want space to experiment on new found awareness and then get quick feedback on that experimentation.