with Kelly

mama guidance

I guide mothers who know they can succeed on their own, but also know that asking for support at the right moment can catapult them to new levels of womanhood.

I do this by creating structure that will help you navigate the difficult career decisions, identity crises & relationship complexities that come with having children.

In any moment we spend together, expect equal parts exploration of self & practical application of these learnings. I support you by pulling on my professional experience (which includes 10+ years of leading & growing large teams at tech companies), extensive coach training with over 600 hours of practice & my refined intuition.

And of course you’ll also be able to pull on the life experience I’ve gained — things like pivoting my career 7 times, becoming a mother myself, moving country 5 times, starting my own business, becoming certified as a childminder & more.

I look forward to guiding you.

working together

working together

Mothers come to me for guidance for all sorts of reasons that span both the personal and professional realms. Any topic is welcome, but below are some common topics I see:

  • How to honor the needs of your own self, your children, your partner & everyone else in your life (without burning out)

  • Thinking through finances (& crunching numbers!) to unlock your family’s dreams

  • Taking creative ideas (books, programs, courses) from concept to completion

  • Re-inventing how you look at your career (from sabbaticals to exploring entrepreneurship to owning your creativity) to be the role model you want to be for your children

I pull out your innate brilliance on these topics through tried & tested practices. And of course, I will always share my experience where relevant! But most importantly, I will help you apply any learnings to your present situation - so you can quickly catapult to new heights with more ease.

I no longer work with big contracts & big price tags. Book a session when you feel the need for one, and book another after if you find you want another. If there is a space available below, feel free to book it. And of course - if we don’t know each other, send me an email to have a quick chat and see if we are the right fit for each other.

beautiful words from my clients

Thank you for making me realize that my job was never going to allow for me to start a family. A new job just came across my radar and I was able to easily say yes, rather than wonder if the “step back” career wise was right for me. Thank you for helping me feel like I deserve all my new found success!
— Emma
I just wanted to tell you that pushing me to dig deep and get outside of my comfort zone has been transformative. And you’ve done it in a way that hasn’t made me feel “uncomfortable”. Thank you for helping me find purpose, I find myself more focused and accepting as a result.
— Ellen
I’ve been really appreciating our time together and how it’s really helped me take a step back to breathe in the “small” stuff - to notice and appreciate it. For someone who is fairly intuitive, you take it to another level and it’s been so meaningful for me.
— Christine

a bit more about kelly

  • My journey began when I failed miserably in my first management role for Uber. Thankfully, not long after this bumpy start in my Leadership journey, I was poached for a new job at Snap where I got the opportunity to build a new 10 person team from scratch. This was my second chance at management, I wasn’t going to get it wrong again. 

    What I didn’t realize at the time was that this was the beginning of my journey into understanding and mastering human behaviour. 

    In starting as a Leader at Snap, I approached management like a science. By conducting experiments and carefully analyzing my results, my management improved through each experience. I successfully created a team where multiple people I hired told me “I changed the course of their career” - a fact I still cherish to this day.

    In 2018 I came across my first coach. I couldn’t quite believe there was a profession where you could JUST do the “people side” of management. It became my dream: to have all the time in the world to get really damn good at positively influencing human behaviour. 

    By 2019 I’d hired my own coach. They helped me make the identity shift required to transform into the human behaviour influencer (aka coach) I knew I could be. This was the 6th time I’d pivoted what “I did” for a living. I’d gone from having a career as a manufacturing engineer, to data analyst, to ops manager, to customer experience manager, then to product manager. 

    The move from product manager to coach felt massive in comparison - it was not just changing my title, but a fundamental shift in how I operated. I went from left brain to right brain, IQ to EQ. I needed the support of someone who believed in me more than I believed in myself to make it happen.

    As I built my business from scratch, I explored my values system. I discovered Human Design (the ultimate system for human behaviour); I got certified in reiki healing; I trained in mediumship; and I read a LOT of really good books (check out my Bookshelf for some of the best). I completed Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.

    Come mid 2022, I’d reached 500+ hours of coaching (something only 10% of certified coaches do) and found myself with a thriving business alongside a slower, more creative and intentional life that I love. I transitioned from becoming a guide to being a guide - 7 years after I started.

  • My style is a combination of:

    -Co-Active’s coaching principals

    -My systems engineering education (and love for efficiency)

    -My personal experiences in reinventing myself 6 times over in 10 years 

    -My passion for Human Design & the belief that the universe is conspiring to help us 

    -My love for visuals, metaphors & listening to our body (rather than our mind)

    What you don’t need to worry about is knowing where to start. My superpower is taking the chaos that lives in your brain and any haphazardness in your life and providing a structure to help you organise it.

  • My guidance is for those who feel stuck in the idea of pleasing everyone around them. Your boss, your partner, your parents, and society at large - all before pleasing yourself. 

    You might be a working mother who needs to learn how to prioritize her needs alongside her deep love for her children.

    Or a woman who is letting the pressures society puts on her to “do & be it all” hold her captive.

    Or a career-oriented woman who wants to re-invent herself as a creative entrepreneur.

    Or a wandering soul who wishes to find that home she's after - in herself.

    Or a woman who wants to heal her controlling relationship with money.

    There is no single type of person or topic I work with. The commonality is that those who choose to work with me are ready to commit to living a more energized, balanced and intentional life. A life where you can find harmony & synergy amongst your top values and intentionally honor them day to day. 

    The result? Enough time in your days for what lights you up.

    In deciding to work with me, you are choosing to invest in your joy - in your energy.

  • People inevitably ask me questions in guidance sessions. These are some of my favorites…

    * How did you find the inspiration & structure to write your book?

    * Why did you think you failed managing your team at Uber? What shifted at Snap that allowed you to be successful as a manager in this new role?

    * How have you managed to raise your daughter, launch The Money Spa, get certified as a childminder, travel around the world for 6 months… and make it look easy?

    * What made you decide to pivot each time in your career - and how did you go about setting yourself up for success pivoting into uncharted territory?

    * What allows you to show up so elegantly online and share your story?

    * When you can create anything, how did you know that the structure you chose for The Money Spa was the right one?

    * Why do you think that people felt that working with you in a managerial capacity was life changing? What processes did you put in place that had people perform their best and feel supported? 

    …what will your questions be? 😛

And if you’d like to instead get to know me before working together 1:1, I encourage you to join WomanHood.